5 reasons why candidates are ghosting you (no shows)

Before diving into the subject, what exactly is “Ghosting”? Well, according to the Urban Dictionary, ghosting is: “When a person cuts off all communication with their friends, the person they’re dating, or society in general with zero warning or explanation. Ghosting can involve avoiding friends’ phone calls, staying off social media, and avoiding people in […]

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What to do when you get a job rejection

We’ve all faced or will face rejection at least once in our life. It can be experienced under many circumstances; whether it’s from a school application, a breakup, decline of your credit card or form the feeling you get when you don’t get the job you wanted. Rejection is inevitable and is necessary to make […]

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Getting a Sales Job With No Experience

When you are fresh out of college or looking for a career change, you come to find out that the majority of jobs in your field require you to have at least 1 year of professional experience. You might start to wonder where that experience will come from if you just graduated. Sound familiar right? […]

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7 Quick Tips To Refresh Your Linkedin Profile

Either you are a graduate freshly out of college or someone who is looking for new opportunities, your CV, cover letter and LinkedIn profile are important. Linkedin is not a social media that we use daily and you probably did not log in since the day you created your account. If your Linkedin account’s information is dated from the […]

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