Should you talk about your side projects during an interview?


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Should you talk about your side projects during an interview?

Some people like to have small side projects outside of their 9 to 5 schedule, something that they are passionate about. Some like to do them out of pleasure or to stay busy, as an extension of their field of studies or hoping to transform this hobby into their future dream job. There are so many reasons to have a side project. It helps to expand your career skills and could potentially make you a better candidate. So, would it benefit you to mention your side projects during an interview? Some occasions are better than others, below are some tips on how to approach the situation and how to overcome it.

When should you mention your side projects during your interview?

During an interview, you have to be strategic when talking about your side projects. If they are related to what you are interviewing for, you should mention it when you get a chance. This can help to demonstrate your skills, your drive and your interest in the job.

Talking about your side projects shows that you are a passionate and dedicated candidate. It shows that you are a person who knows how to get things done. Sometimes, talking about your side project can demonstrate extra skills that your interviewer is looking for.

If you are in the process of a career change, side projects benefit you because the skills you gain from them show that you are determined.

How should you talk about them?

When you get the chance to talk about your side projects, don’t just mention them, instead, demonstrate what they consist of, use this tip as an extended platform of yourself. Mention how you partnered with others for projects, the procedures you took in order to achieve certain goals and how you managed your time. Most importantly, you will need to make it clear that your side projects will not be interfering with your full-time job. Whether you get the job or not, mention that you are committed to using the acquired skills to contribute and advance the company.

When should you NOT talk about your side projects?

After reading what is mentioned above, if your side hustles are not related in any way, shape or form to the job you applied for, do not mention anything. Obviously, your side projects are driven by what you believe in and are interested in. If you mention this to your employer, your work ethic and faith in the job you are interviewing for will be questionable. It will give off the impression that you won’t take the job seriously or that you will be torn between your job and your side projects.

You should be extra careful to not talk about it when you officially start working. If your performance is doing well after staying in the company for a year, then you can mention it.

Should you include your side projects on a CV?

Include them if they’re relevant to the job you are applying for. As you know by now, you should have different versions of your CV for different types of jobs.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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