6 Reasons Why December Is The Best Time for Recruiting


Recruiting the best talents is a competition between companies. December is the month to take action while the recruiting competition is low. During the holiday season, you might noticed activities in the offices are starting to slow down. Most of the people, including recruiters, work activity will slow down and their working pattern will change for the month. So as a result, there will be less recruiting competition. If you are recruiting, December is the best month to successfully recruit the best talents.

Here are the 6 reasons why December is the best month for recruiting:

  1. Some firms do not hire during December:

    Many companies stop hiring during the end of their fiscal year. With that being said, these firms do not offer any competitions to those who are smart to recruit in December. With less competitor on the market, there will be zero head-to-head recruiting competitions. So of course, there will be fewer job postings and yours will have a better chance for exposure.

  2. Employed individuals are more likely to rethink their future at this time of the year:

    The best prospects are the forward looking type of people but the employed prospects are less actively looking for new opportunities. Although, they are more likely to spend some time for reevaluating their current employment and life situation and rethink if they should spend another year in their current job. Smart firms can take this questioning period as an advantage by offering new opportunities to these non-actively looking prospects. While during the month of December, there will be a lot of money spending for the holiday expenses, therefore, individuals will realise they would need more money. If your firm is paying higher than the average, December could be the month to attract those who has money issues. Additionally, not everyone celebrates the holidays, so these prospects will have even more time to consider new opportunities.

  3.  Hiring managers are less active, so the hiring decision will take forever:

    Just like anyone else, hiring managers and recruiters are distracted by the holiday events. Which means, the devoted time for hiring will decrease. This lack of attention will stretch out the time before the offer can be made. It is best to make your hiring decisions around 10 days during December before other firms get around the top candidates.

  4. Fewer events are scheduled during the month, so prospect are more available:

    There are no conferences, internal company off-sites, or other major meetings scheduled during the month. So they have more free time to consider new job opportunities. Since there are fewer animations in their work environment, the top prospects have more time to catch up on reading and learning, so they might be reading about your employer’s branding materials. Many of them might be taking their unused vacation during December, therefore, they will have more time to take calls and interviews.

  5. Prospects are easier to contact when everyone is active on social media:

    If you are on most social media, you could take this to your advantages. Almost everyone is highly active on social media during this time of the year. They are constantly connecting on social media to keep in touch with family and friends. Therefore, the chances of being seen, read and react to you message and post will increase. Moreover, these people would use the free time to update their Linkedin profile and recruiters can use these updates to present new job opportunities.

  6. December is the month of “easy excuse month” for candidates:

    Because it is the holiday seasons, the candidates routinely leave the offices for a few hours using acceptable reasons, such as shopping, running errands, and parties. Since bosses are easy to accept these reasons, it will be easier for your candidate to leave the office for a long lunch with a recruiter or for a formal interview.

If you are a job seeker, click here to visit our job boards.
If you are an employer looking to hire, click here.

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