Rédiger une lettre de démission et pourquoi?


Hurray! You’ve found a new job and you’re super excited to get started on your new journey. Now, all you have to do is tell your boss you’ll be leaving your current position by writing a resignation letter. Even if you are thrilled to leave this place and start a new life, one thing that isn’t always easy is saying goodbye to your colleagues.

Maybe you once enjoyed your job, but things changed. Maybe the company is restructuring or growing. Or perhaps you are looking for a new opportunity in your career growth. Whatever the reason, here are some things to consider before you give your notice.

Submitting a letter of resignation is the proper procedure for your departure. Writing a resignation letter is to inform your employer that you are quitting, this will also help you to build a better relationship and leave the office positively.

What is resignation? Should you write a letter?

Resignation is when an employee takes a formal action to quit their current position accompanied by a resignation letter to announce his or her departure. Whether you’re working in a small coffee shop or a Fortune 500 company, it is important to give in a resignation letter before ending your journey there. It will allow your manager to begin the procedure of your replacement.

How many weeks of notice should you give?

The majority of the time, the employers request a 2 week notice before the departure of a staff member. There is no law that says you must give two weeks of notice. If an agreement between you and your employer has been made that doesn’t require you signing a resignation letter, a reasonable way to handle your departure would be by providing a valid reason. If you occupy an executive or harder-to-replace position, the notice can be more than 2 weeks.

There are two reasons why you should write a two weeks notice letter:

First of all, you don’t want to burn any bridges! Avoid ripping the band aid when you leave your job. Even if you weren’t happy with working there, it’s still important to make sure your employer speaks positively about your resignation. If you decide to leave abruptly and with no explanation, you’re leaving your current employer in a bad situation. Not only will you not be able to use your current employer as a reference for future jobs, but you’ll be exposing yourself to your future employer finding about your unprofessionalism.

It also gives your employer enough time to find a replacement that can take on your tasks. When giving a 2-week notice, it will give your employer enough time to arrange and pass on anything that is under your name. It will also be able to give time to find new talent to replace you and have them take on the responsibility before your departure.

Secondly, this will help to have a written record of your decision to resign. This letter can be used for different things, such as understanding why employees choose to leave or for any legal records.

What should you include in your resignation letter?

When writing your resignation letter, keep the tone friendly and formal. Mention things that relate to your departure, such as your intent to leave, your desired last day of employment and why you made the decision. It should then be followed by showing gratitude to your employer for hiring you. If you maintained a good relationship with your coworkers and superiors, you can also highlight the great moments you had during your journey there. To wrap your letter up on a positive note, you should offer help to make the transition easier for the company.[/vc_column_text][gem_textbox top_style= »note-2″][gem_list]

At a glance: writing a resignation letter

  • State that you intend to leave the job, your current role/title and the last day of employment
  • Thank your employer for hiring you
  • Mention any benefits and the knowledge you gained during your journey there ( optional )
  • Offer your assistance to in the training of your replacement
  • Your contact info

Sample resignation letter:


Robert Smith
ABC inc.
7590 25th Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Dear Mr. Smith,

Please accept this letter as notice of my resignation from my role as Business Developer at ABC inc. My last day will be [Two Weeks From Today’s Date].

I am very grateful to have the opportunity to work with you and to kick start my career in sales. During my employment, I have acquired many skills and I am very thankful you put the trust in me. It has been a pleasure working with ABC inc.

I would like to help with the transition of my accounts to the team so that the sales department continue to function smoothly after my departure. I am available to train my replacement and I will make certain that all reporting and records are updated before my last day of work.


Elizabeth Mai


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The cons on acception a counter-offer from your employer

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